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8 May 2015

Captain America: Civil War gets the cast list to end all cast lists

Civil War Machine

Captain America; Civil War's cast list is jam-packed with big names, looking more like a roll call for the next big Avenger's flick than a solo superhero outing. Cap's third crack at the big screen will focus on a brewing war between our favourite superfriends, who are forced to pick sides after a superpowered disaster fractures the hero community.

In the comics, Tony Stark tussles with the First Avenger over the Superhero Registration Act, a piece of legislation that forces superheroes to unveil their true identities and put their powers to use for the good ol' American government. This puts the Captain firmly at odds with the country he calls home, which is, after all, denying his cape wearing cousins the liberty and freedom he has spent spent decades trying to uphold.

From what we can glean, the film version of Civil War will make some sweeping changes to the comic book storyline; whereas on the page the battle was an ideological one, the film will introduce a more traditional villain, one who is presumably using the Superhero Registration act to pit Cap and Iron Man against each other and push their own evil agenda.

As expected, the cast list is huge, including a staggering collection of MCU vets. So far, Chris Evans (Captain America), Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier), Anthony Mackie (Falcon), Paul Bettany (The Vision), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) Don Cheadle (War Machine), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther), Emily VanCamp (Sharon Carter), Daniel Brühl (Baron Zemo), Frank Grillo (Crossbones), William Hurt (General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross), and Martin Freeman in an as-yet-unknown role, have all been confirmed to appear. 

Juggling a cast this extensive will be a herculean task, but Marvel clearly has faith in the film's directorial duo, the Russo Bros., as the comic giant has already confirmed the pair will be at the helm of next big Avenger's flick, Infinity War. We're more interested in how much this is going to cost Marvel; surely, assembling a cast list this star-spangled is going to cost a bob or two. Still, it's not like they cant afford it, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the highest grossing film franchise of all-time, after all. 

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