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30 Jun 2015

Is Hellboy III about to "poof" into being?

From hell

I thought hell would freeze over before we got another Hellboy film, but it looks like the big red monkey might just be getting another shot at the big screen. At least, if this new message from the movie's star, Ron Perlman, is to believed: 

And then, poof...
One more Roman numeral after the name...
As if by magic..........."

Sure sounds like confirmation to me. Of course, this could all be an attempt by Perlman t to gauge interest and drum up a little excitement for a possible new Hellboy film. Either way, it offers a glimmer, a brief slither of hope, that we might finally get to see the final part of Guillermo del Toro's Hellboy trilogy. 

Speaking to Empire magazine last year, del Toro revealed that the film was already written and more or less ready to roll. Despite this, studios were unwilling to provide him with any financing, leading many of us to believe Hellboy 3 was officially dead in the water.

I'm not going to hold my breath until we hear something more official, but this is still a very exciting development, especially when you take into account the fact del Toro walked away from his film adaptation of Justice League Dark. Did he jump ship to start work on Hellboy?

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