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16 Oct 2015

Will The Incredible Hulk steal the spotlight in Thor: Ragnarok?

Puny god

Thor's world may be ending, but the Asgardian thunder-flinger isn't going down without a fight. To help him combat Loki's evil schemes (the trickster god was last seen doing a pretty mean Odin impersonation at the end of Thor: Dark World) the Odinson is forming an alliance with fellow Avenger The Incredible Hulk.

The bipolar bruiser is set to appear thanks to a deal between actor Mark Ruffalo and the good folks over at Marvel. While this is a far cry from the Planet Hulk announcement many of us have been clamouring for, we're all for seeing Bruce Banner's alter-ego get his smash on outside of the mainline Avengers movies. Plus, there are rumours that Ragnarok will feature some kind of mysterious alien planet, leading to speculation that this could be Marvel's way of prepping the pieces for a potential Planet Hulk spin-off.

Thor and Hulk have always had a great - if somewhat violent - on-screen chemistry, and seeing the two of them banding together to bring down Tom Hiddleston's Loki is sure to be fun. Could this be Marvel's stab at a buddy comedy? We know how much the studio loves to dabble with different genre tropes - Winter Soldier as a seventies style thriller, and Ant-Man as a superhero-cum-heist pic, for example - and Thor's movies have always had a rich vein of humour running alongside all the larger-than-life superheroics.

Then there's the fact Marvel are courting Taika Waititi to direct, no stranger to the world of comedy thanks to his work on Flight of the Conchords and macabre mockumentary What We Do In The Shadows.

Ragnarok will be upon us in roughly two years time.

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