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5 Nov 2015

New Star Wars character posters awaken

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens right around the corner, marketing for the film has steadily been ramping up. With all the trailers out of the way, you'd think there was nothing left to get excited for, but Disney are fighting to keep The Force Awakens foremost in film fans' minds with the release of some snazzy character sheets.

Most of the main cast is present and accounted for, with lightsabers, blasters and - in Leia's case - some kind of hologram, at the ready. There's still no sign of Luke Skywalker, which is only making rabid Star Wars fans even more curious about what role the one-time saviour of the galaxy will play in the new film. Could we be getting a disillusioned, darker Luke? Will he be a full blown villain? Time will tell. The other notable omission is Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron), who seems to have been sidelined in recent marketing materials in favour of his younger co-stars. A shame, he's one of the character's we're most looking forward to seeing in action.

Director J.J. Abrams and his merry band of film-makers are currently hard at work knocking the film into shape ahead of its December release. If you don't want to wait that long for your next Force Awakens fix, be sure to have a gander at our Star Wars character guide, which will tell you everything you need to know about the film's main movers and shakers.

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