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30 Mar 2016

Shadow or Mordor 2 revealed by leak

Once Mordor unto the breach

Good news fans of all that is Hobbit-y, a sequel to the surprisingly decent Shadow of Mordor is reportedly on its way.

So far nothing's been announced officially, but the folks over at Nerdleaks got wind of the game thanks to a resume posted online by a stunt woman. Listing all the games she's worked on, the stunt woman mentioned working on Shadow of Mordor 2. Her employer is listed as Blur Studio, the team known for cutting beautiful CGI trailers for games like Dark Souls, the Arkham series, The Division and Assassin's Creed.

Presumably, this means a CGI announcement trailer for Shadow of Mordor 2 is on the cards, one that we might just see at this year's upcoming E3 Games Show.

As previously mentioned, the first game is a solid stab at bringing Tolkien's Middle-Earth (or at least Peter Jackson's vision of it) to current-gen consoles, and well worth playing just to sample the novel nemesis system. A sequel that expands on and improves this would be very welcome indeed

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