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6 Jun 2016

First Yooka Laylee trailer released

A rare treat 

A shiny new trailer for playful looking platformer Yooka Laylee has found its way online.

Comprised of ex-Rare employees (the folks behind such classic platformers as Banjo Kazooie and Conker's Bad Fur Day) the good folks over at Playtonic are attempting to resurrect the kind of colourful, sprawling, collectible-filled platformers that were very much in vogue during the early days of 3D gaming.

Their first attempt is Yooka Laylee which, as we can see from the trailer, does an excellent job of hearkening back to a time when mascot platformers ruled the proverbial roost. There's plenty of floating platforms, power-ups and even a spot of mine carting. It really does look like an N64 platformer that's been plucked off the drawing board and brought to life with modern gaming tech.

For a game that's only been in development a short while, it's all looking surprisingly polished. The graphics are gorgeous and there's a lot of variety in the environments on show. Sadly, this trailer does confirm that the game will miss its October 2016 release date. The new release date is Q1 2017 - not a huge delay, and if it gives Playtonic time to iron out those bugs and make the game shine, we're sure it'll be worth it.

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    Omlette Du Fromage: First Yooka Laylee Trailer Released >>>>> Download Full

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