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19 Jul 2016

New No Man's Sky trailer invites gamers to explore the universe

Universal appeal



We've had open world games before but nothing quite on the scale of No Man's Sky. This ambitious space-sim from Joe Danger developer Hello Games doesn't just limit players to a single digital playground, or even a single world, but let's them explore the star-strewn stretches of a universe containing 18 quintillion digital planets. For some idea of just how mind-boggling a number of planets that is, No Man's Sky's lead developer Sean Murray reckons only 0.01% of those quintillion balls of rock will be explored in our lifetime.

Give the sheer amount of real-estate floating around just waiting to conquered, it's no surprise that exploration is a key part of the game. To hammer this point home, Hello Games have cut together a series of trailers, four in all, highlighting the different gameplay elements that form the cornerstones of the No Man's Sky experience: Exploration, Combat, Trading and Survival.

'Explore', the first trailerin the series, gives us a better idea of what different kinds of terrain gamers will encounter as they whizz around the cosmos. We can see bucolic planets teeming with all manner of strange and wonderful creatures, mysterious alien obelisks, towering machines, and monolithic spacecraft suspended in the cold reaches of space.

Tantalisingly, Hello Games have hinted that as players close in on the centre of the universe the planets and creatures they encounter will become progressively stranger, earth-like vistas giving way to twisted and surreal alien landscapes.

Look out for the next video in the series, which will highlight how the game's combat works, in the next few days.

18 Jul 2016

What's new and what's different in the film version of The Dark Tower?

What does Entertain Weekly's new info reveal about the film adaptation of The Dark Tower?


It's been a long time coming, but Stephen King's cult fantasy series The Dark Tower is finally headed to the big screen. As with most adaptations, the retelling of this 8-book-strong fantasy saga will deviate from the source material in some major and minor ways. One of the neatest things about The Dark Tower series is how certain plot developments, particularly in the final book, create opportunities for the creative team behind the film to take the series in unexpected directions without contradicting the text completely.

We won't go into exactly what those developments are in this article, but if you're interested we highly recommend reading through the full cycle of Dark Tower books. Not only will you be able to enjoy one of the finest, as well as weirdest, pieces of epic fiction ever written, but it will give you a deeper appreciation - not to mention, understanding - of just how the first film in the series fits into the larger framework of The Dark Tower universe.

For some time now we've known that the first series in the film adaptation of The Dark Tower would be based, in large part, on the first novel in King's fantasy saga, The Gunslinger. The slimmest volume in the series by a comfortable margin, it recounts Roland of Gilead's efforts to track down the mysterious Man in Black and learn more about the tower after which the saga is named. Unusually for Stephen King, this is a very obtuse, at times ambiguous novel, one that features many elements that only really come into focus the further into the series (or along the path of the beam, say thankya) readers get.

Thanks to King himself, we knew that the first film would be pulling together elements from multiple books, not just The Gunslinger; what we didn't know was how these disparate elements would all fit together. Now, thanks to EW, we have a clearer picture of how the first film in the series will work - the basic gist of the story will be the same; it will still chronicle Roland's attempts to apprehend the Man in Black and learn more about the tower - visions of which have haunted him all the years of his long, long life. Instead of flashing back and forwards, however, the film will introduce elements from the final two books in the series, most notably Algul Siento, the breaker camp located in the arid, sickened wastes of Thunderclap (which is to The Dark Tower as Mordor is to Lord of the Rings).

Breakers are powerful psychics, men and women poached from our world, and worlds like ours, to 'break' the beams that converge on The Dark Tower. Despite its foreboding name, the Tower is the linchpin at the centre of not just our universe, but all universes; if the beams break and the Tower falls, the rest of space and time will fall along with. As the beams break, Roland's world, once a beacon of life and hope, begins to sicken and slide inexorably into chaos. World's begin to bleed together, people and animals begin to mutate, and all manner of dark and unspeakable things begin to crawl out of the dark and unknowable spaces between universes. It all sounds a touch complicated, but (as with most fantasy series) once you look beyond the made up place names, weird creatures and otherworldly trappings you're left with the simple tale of a lone gunslinger trying to save the world from the forces of evil.

The makers of the film version of The Dark Tower are keeping things relatively simple for the first film, no doubt as a concession to those unfamiliar with the books, but the recent EW articles throw up lots of intriguing things that will be of especial concern to long time fans of the Dark Tower series as well as King's work in general.

The Shining

In The Dark Tower books those men and women endowed with the gift of telepathy are described as being strong in 'the touch'. In a clever nod to one of King's best loved books, however, the movie version of DT replaces this with 'shine', a clear reference to The Shining and the latent psychic ability that helps young Danny Torrance stay one step ahead of his axe-wielding old man. On the page, Jake - a young boy from a world very like our own, plagued by visions of a mysterious gunslinger and a tower - is skilled in the touch, but he never ends up breaking beams with those who share in Algul Siento. For the film version, Jake is described as a sort of beam-breaking MVP, a psychic so powerful that The Man in Black is willing to cross dimensions just to find him. From what we can glean, Jake's story will be relatively true to the books, but will deviate in a few key ways. First of all, Jake's origin seems to have been slightly tweaked - in the books he's a gifted psychic, but not powerful enough to draw the gaze of the Crimson King and his minions. By the sounds of it, Jake's story is being rolled into Ted Brautigan's, a man of unparalleled psychic ability who is cozened by the forces of evil into assaulting the beams.

Through a glass darkly

At various points in the books, Roland and co.encounter glass balls from the Wizard's Rainbow. That might sound rather jolly, but these balls (thirteen in all, each with different properties) are just as likely to harm their handlers as they are to help them. Think of the Palantiri from Lord of the Rings and you'll have some idea. In the books, these malignant globes of gaudily coloured glass are rare, not appearing the fourth installment, but in the films we'll see them (or something very like them) almost straightaway. Speaking to EW, Matthew Mc describes  how he and Roland communicate with one another from afar using little glass balls. Although he doesn't refer to them as pieces of the Wizard's Rainbow, it's pretty fair to assume that's exactly what they are. It's a pretty big change from the novels, but it makes sense - after all, you don't hire two actors of Elba and McConaughey's caliber and not have them interact until the end of the film. The glasses will allow the two to bounce off of one another long before they meet in the flesh, and (more importantly) give first time viewers some idea of just how long and acrimonious the history between these characters is.

13 Jul 2016

Bryan Singer and Matt Nix planning another X-Men spin-off

The Motherhood of Mutants 


Matt Nix, the creator of Burn Notice, is teaming up with Bryan Singer to produce a new mutant-themed series for US TV network Fox. Fox already has a few comic book series on the air, those being the adaptations of DC properties Gotham and Lucifer, but this will be one of their first Marvel projects, the development of which has been a "top priority" for the network.

The series, which is as-yet untitled, will take place within the wider X-Men universe (still one of the few major Marvel properties the comic book giant has yet to claw back) but instead of chronicling the exploits of everyone's favourite band of merry mutants it will focus on two ordinary parents who discover that their bouncing bundle of joy has mutant powers.

In order to keep their child out of the hands of a rogue government agency, the doting ma and da fall in with a coalition of mutants who have gone underground to fight back against their oppressors.

In addition to Nix and Singer (themselves no strangers to the world of network TV), the project has snared Marvel's own Jeph Loeb, as well as Fox's Simon Kinberg and Lauren Shuler Donner as producers.

It's certainly an interesting concept, but it doesn't sound nearly as unique or exciting as Fox's other X-Men spinoff, Legion, currently being put together by Fargo showrunner Noah Hawley. 

Fox are understandably keen to strike while the iron is hot, especially following the success of its X-Men movies and Deadpool, but one has to wonder if pumping out series after series of vaguely mutant-related TV shows is really the best idea.

Source: Empire

12 Jul 2016

Javier Bardem to play Frankenstein in Universal's Monsters Universe?

No Country for Old Wolfmen 



Hollywood is all a-flutter over the idea of shared universes these days, with many studios putting in motion plans to launch their own interconnected film series in a bid to emulate Marvel Studio's hugely successful model.

Interestingly, this phenomenon isn't just limited to comic book properties - we're also beginning to see studios cobble together different IPs, character and franchises that don't quite fit into the superhero mold.  The most interesting of these is undoubtedly Universal's Monsters Universe, an attempt to bring together some of the silver screen's most memorable bogeymen and women  (a list which includes Frankenstein, The Wolfman, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Invisible Man, Dracula and Van Helsing) and place all of them within a shared and persistent world. Kind of like a modern day, big budget version of Penny Dreadful.

Normally I'd be the first to accuse Universal of hopping on the bandwagon, but I actually really like this idea and think it could lead to some very interesting and entertaining projects. Universal are certainly hoping so, and are going to great lengths to round out their stable with an enviable list of actors, producers and writers, including John Spaihts, Alex Kurtzman, Aaron Guzikowski, Noah Hawley, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp and Russell Crowe.

In addition to the stars above, rumours persist that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Angelina Jolie, and now, Javier Bardem are also being courted for starring roles. The latest round of murmurs suggest that the Oscar-winning Bardem is in talks to take on the role of Frankenstein. Whether that means he's in the frame to play the creature's creator or the creature itself is unclear.

Personally, I think Bardem would make a great monster - he's imposing enough to give the creature a real sense of malice and menace, but also an incredibly skilled performer, one that can bring to life the pathos and emotional tumult that has always defined the character.

Given the amount of talent (potentially) involved in these pictures, I'm very interested to see how the Monsters Universe shapes up, particularly a modern day take on The Wolfman - if there's one thing the world needs, it is more werewolf movies.

Looking forward to what Universal is cooking up in their lab? Let us know your thoughts on the Monsters Universe below!

No Man's Sky's quintillion planets take up just 6GB of disc space

Infinity on the head of a pin



Sean Murray, the mastermind behind the sumptuous-looking spacefaring sim No Man's Sky, took to Twitter today to reveal just how many gigs of data his studio's game occupies on a single blu-ray disc.

Much to the surprise of his many followers, Murray revealed that the game weighs in at just 6GB, despite, that is, offering players roughly one quintillion (yes, we checked and that is a real number) planets to explore. What's more, most of that data is comprised of audio files, meaning that 65daysofstatic soundtrack probably eats up more disc-based real estate than the actual game itself.

It may sound insane, especially given the sheer, mind-boggling amount of explorable space on offer, but No Man's Sky worlds, galaxies and pocket universes are all procedurally generated, meaning they take up very little actual space.

Players will be able to begin exploring that space this August with the game releasing on the 9th, 10th and 12th in the US, Europe and UK respectively. 

11 Jul 2016

Batman: Return to Arkham delayed to November amid quality concerns

The inmates are running the asylum


Remasters are big business nowadays, so it's no surprise that plans were afoot at Warner Bros. to repackage two of the publisher's most critically and commercially acclaimed games and re-release them for current-gen platforms.

Dubbed Batman: Return to Arkham the upcoming collection is set to include Arkham Asylum as well as its follow-up Arkham City. Many fans were excited at the prospect of playing these classic games on their shiny new hardware, but that excitement quickly curdled when footage of the games running on current-gen consoles was unveiled.

Despite porting the games to a new engine and, presumably, taking advantage of newer rendering techniques and graphical effects, it quickly became apparent that the remastered Arkham games looked a good bit worse than their last-gen counterparts. Lighting effects were missing, character models looked off and it appeared that the quality of some textures had taken a noticeable hit.

Fans of the series were quick to point out the differences, providing detailed comparisons that showed the remaster in a much less than flattering light. We can assume that Warner Bros. got wind of this negative feedback, as the game was quickly pulled off of schedules and slapped with a delay just weeks shy of its July 31st release date.

According to Eurogamer, the collection hasn't been scrapped entirely but delayed until  this coming November. Sources close to the site informed them that the quality of the port has come under fire, with the frame rate in particular being a major concern.

The Batman brand took a major hit when the last game in the saga, Arkham Knight, arrived on PC in a near-unplayable state. Unlike the near-flawless console versions, the PC port of the game was plagued with crippling issues, causing a red-faced Warner Bros. to pull the game from sale and offer apoplectic PC gamers copies of its previous Arkham games by way of apology.

Given everything that happened with Arkham Knight on PC, the last thing Warner's wants to do is release a buggy, poorly performing collection and destroy all the goodwill the series has left. Hopefully they'll do right by these classic titles and give the team at Virtuous Games all the time and resources they need to do Batman and the games' original developers, Rocksteady, justice.

Source: Eurogamer

Pokémon Go to hit the UK "within a few days"

Release in Europe, Asia and Japan is a go 


It's only been available to download for a few days, but Pokémon Go has already become one of Nintendo's most talked about titles, with reports of people mooning around US cities snapping up Squirtles and converging on virtual Gyms flooding social media.

Sadly, the game proved to be so popular with aspiring monster hunters that servers became overloaded, putting plans to release the game in Europe, Japan and Asia on hold. Nintendo have yet to offer a solid release date for the aforementioned regions, but the Wall Street Journal are reporting that Pokémon Go "will likely be available" outside of the US within the next couple of days.

For those of you who have yet to become acquainted with the Pokémon Go phenomenon, it is an augmented reality game that allows users to catch virtual critters in real world locations.

The game has been a huge success for Nintendo, bringing in an estimated $1.6 million a day in revenue, as well as causing shares in the Japanese gaming company to soar by almost a quarter.

Given that it blurs the lines between virtual reality and, well, actual reality, Pokémon Go has also been mentioned alongside some bizarre real world incidents, including the discovery of a dead body and a scheme in which armed robbers used the game's lure feature to seclude unwitting players and divest them of their valuables.

6 Jul 2016

3-min Star Wars: Rogue One trailer coming on July 15

You'd be Darth to miss it  


Star Wars fans have something to look forward to next Friday: three whole minutes of footage from upcoming flick Rogue One.

The news comes courtesy of  ABC HD, whose listing for Secrets of the Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey promises "a 3-minute trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" in its description.

The film, which is set around the same time as A New Hope, follows a ragtag crew of rebels on a mission to steal the plans for the Death Star, thereby facilitating its destruction in the saga's original chapter.

We've already seen a trailer for the film, which promises to show us a more somber side of the Star Wars universe, but the prospect of even more new footage has us very excited indeed.

Could we finally get a look at Darth Vader? I daresay this trailer will include a tease or two that hints at the Dark Lord's presence - a bit of heavy breathing or a flash of a red light saber, perhaps?

The footage coincides with the Star Wars Celebration and will hopefully be available to watch/stream online for those of us not not lucky enough to attend.

Publisher Deep Silver bringing Persona 5 to Europe

Silver linings

Deep Silver has answered the prayers of Persona fans all over the continent by announcing that they will be bringing the hotly-anticipated JRPG to Europe.

It's been a tumultuous old time for fans of all things JRPG in Europe lately, what with Sega's European arm showing zero interest in publishing Atlus' (a company it owns, fer chrissakes) titles in the region. The there was the small matter of NIS America - who usually publish Atlus titles over here - also announcing that their partnership with Atlus was dissolving, leaving many of us to wonder if we would ever see an official Persona 5 release outside of Asia and the US.

Thankfully, Atlus heard its European fans' pleas and has sealed a deal with Deep Silver - whom they hold in "high regard" - to bring multiple games to our JRPG-hungry shores.

The deal includes not only Persona 5, but the 3DS titles 7th Dragon III Code: VFD and Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. Hopefully, this marks a turning point in Atlus' relationship with Europe, although one does have to wonder why Sega seems so averse to publishing these games themselves.

Regardless, it's nice to finally have confirmation that Persona 5 and SMT IV: A will makes their way to PAL territories. Persona 5 is due in the US this coming February, let's hope the EU releases isn't far behind. 

5 Jul 2016

More gaming icons headed to Killer Instinct?

Potential new characters hinted at in official Microsoft survey

Killer Instinct isn't shy about rounding out its roster with guest characters from some of Microsoft's most recognisable IPs. So far, Halo's Arbiter, Gears of War's General RAAM and Rash from rage-inducing retro classic Battletoads have all stepped into the arena.

Clearly, these newcomers have been a hit with gamers because it looks like Microsoft are thinking about adding a few more quest characters to its flagship fighting game.

A survey, currently being hosted on the KI site, invites gamers to rank a list of characters in the order they most want to see them appear in the game. In among some generic choices such as Wendigo, Djinn and (excitingly) Lovecraftian, a few more famous names jump out: Brute from Halo, the super-powered Agent from Crackdown, and, most interesting of all, Perfect Dark's Joanna Dark.

Clearly, it's an exciting time to be a Killer Instinct fan. The game, already into its third season, recently made the jump onto PC and is also expected to feature heavily at this year's Evo fighting game championships.

Pixar to sideline sequels in favour of more original content

Following the release of Finding Dory, the animation impresarios over at Pixar have vowed to release more original films going forward.

In its early days, the vaunted studio was averse to churning out sequels, opting to release original material rather than rehash past glories. Still, filmmaking is a fickle business, and sequels do big business at the box office - eventually something had to give. Luckily for us, Pixar didn't take the easy route, only committing to creating sequels when they felt they had an idea worth exploring, creating some of their best films in the process.

As good as these sequels are, however, many yearned for a return to the glory days when the studio was putting out film after original film and was one of the most potent creative forces in the modern blockbuster space. Thankfully, Pixar's current company president, Jim Morris, feels the same way and has promised that there are many more originals films in the pipeline.

Before that we'll be seeing a few more sequels, including the much anticipated follow-up to Brad Bird's The Incredibles (still the best comic book movie ever made). Once they're in the can, however, the studio will focus entirely on new releases.

Finding Dory swims into UK cinemas on July 29, while Coco is due to arrive this December.