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17 Apr 2015

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer spills onto the net

With the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer released just yesterday, the fires of nerd hype are burning bright. Less than a day later, that fiery conflagration is going to turn into a full on inferno, as the world gets its first peek at Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Fair warning, this leaked footage isn't of the best quality, featuring the usual auto-focus blur and shaky-hand shenanigans, but it gets the job done.

Opening with a moody, night time shot of a city (Gotham? Metropolis? we know not), accompanied by a series of voiceovers, the beginning of the trailer paints Superman as some kind of godlike menace; a creature humanity should fear, rather than be thankful for. The parallels with Jesus, alluded to in Man of Steel, continue, as we see soldiers genuflecting before Supes. It's interesting stuff, and poses a few tantalising questions? Is Supes going to be more dictator than do-gooder? Is he being controlled by Lex Luthor? Is this another case of a trailer totally misleading its audience and none of this will be in the final film? Who knows?

The second half of the trailer is more Bat-focussed, giving us a (blurry) look at Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne, before showing off some of the Caped Crusader's arsenal, including the Batwing and Batmobile. We get a few brief glimpses of Affleck suited up, looking very reminiscent of the beefed-up, bestial Batman in The Dark Night Returns by Frank Miller, as well as the robotic exo-suit, which, we presume, Batman needs so he doesn't get squished in three seconds flat when he and Superman inevitably go toe-to-toe.

At one point in the trailer, Batman asks Superman, "Tell me, do you bleed? will." in a heavily modulated voice that makes him sound a bit like Tobin Bell in Saw. If that doesn't get your little fanboy hearts all aflutter, we don't know what will.

Of Jesse Eisenberg's chrome domed crime-lord Lex Luthor, there is no sign, and it's still unknown how heavily he will feature in the final film.  Despite that, our first look at BvS is an encouraging one, and we eagerly await a higher quality version so we can dissect what we've seen in more detail.

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