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4 Aug 2015

Fantastic Four extended trailer offers sneak peek at Deadpool

Fantastic Four-minute trailer teases Deadpool

A 4-minute extended trailer for Josh Trank and 20th Century Fox's Fantastic Four reboot has surfaced online, arriving mere days before the film is due to hit cinema screens. For those of you who have been living under a big pile of comic back-issues, this version of the Fantastic Four makes some major changes to Marvel's first family, featuring a radically altered origin story, a darker tone and some kind of weird, melty hobo Doctor Doom.

Although the trailers for FF, including this one, have left me unconvinced, I'm still curious about this adaptation, especially because of the talent involved. And while Tony Kebbel's Doom may look unintentionally hilarious, the guy's got an abundance of talent and I look forward to seeing what he brings to the role. If he pulls off a foot dive during the film, even better.

Fox are certainly throwing their marketing muscle behind the movie, even going so far as to employ Deadpool to shill for it. Ryan Reynolds' Merc with a Mouth drops by at the end of the extended spot, entreating movie goers to attend to film so they can lay their eyes on the new trailer for Deadpool.  Savvy marketing tactic or sign of desperation? Only time will tell.

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