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29 Jan 2016

Marvel's Lego Avengers Red Brick Locations Guide

If you want to rack up enough studs to buy some of the more expensive vehicles and characters in Marvel's Lego Avengers, a stud multiplier or three definitely helps. Before attempting to snag these precious power-ups we recommend beating the main campaign, which gives you access to Scarlet Witch, The Vision (who can slip through grates to access new areas) and Ultron, whose cosmic power is needed to bust open shiny black blocks. You will also need a character with the dig ability; we recommend Moon Boy, who can be found milling around the Burton Farm hub with Devil Dinosaur.

Below you'll find a list of each red brick's location as well as instructions on how to unlock it. Once you pick up a brick, you will need to head on over to The Collector's room located inside the Shield Helicarrier, buy it with your hard-earned studs and then activate it from the Extras menu.

Finding The Collector's Room

If you're having trouble finding The Collector's location, here are some directions to help you along. First, get yourself onboard the Helicarrier (found in the skies above Manhattan) and take the circular elevator down to the control room. From there, exit via the door on the left hand side, then head up the corridor and into the first room on your right. You should now find yourself in a small room with a glowy portal-thing at the top,simply  head through this to access The Collector's room.

Red Bricks Location Guide

Attract Studs
Location: The Collector's Room

Can be bought directly from the Red Brick console in The Collector's Room.

Studs x2
Location: Struck off the List (Part B)

Our second red brick is located inside Count Strucker’s shadowy Hydra base. To access it you will need The Vision or a character with the stretch ability, such as Ms. Marvel. Once you’ve selected the appropriate minifig, head left until you see a grate with purple edges set into the wall. Use it to access a new area. Now, head right until you encounter a control panel, complete the simple puzzle (the code is 287) and then head inside the room that opens up. Smash everything in sight to uncover Strucker’s monocle. With this in your possession, fly over to the topmost right-hand corner of the room and speak to The Collector who gives you a shiny red brick for your trouble.

Studs x4
Location: A Loki Entrance (Part A)

Standing between us and our next red brick is the arrogant Asgardian, Loki. As soon as the action starts, head directly to the left side of the room and jump down to the level below. Here you’ll find The Collector standing in front of some red cabinets. Once you’ve heard his request, switch to a character with the flight ability (preferably Vision) and keep flying upwards until you find a catwalk overhead. Set yourself down and then head right until you find a scientist in a small glass-fronted cubicle. Use Vision’s mind control ability to get inside his head and pull the lever (note: the prompt to activate the lever will not appear unless you speak to The Collector first), this will cause the chest overhead to open and reveal your prize: a small toy rocket. Take this back to The Collector and he will reward you with the Studs x4 red brick.

Studs x6
Location: Rail Hydra (Part B)

Our quest for the third red brick takes us back in time to the second world war and a showdown with the Red Skull. Take control of a flying character and make your way to the top of the stage; above you is a gangway with a blue and white launch pad on the right, land here and have a quick word with The Collector. Once you’ve accepted his request for a Red Skull mask, select Quicksilver and activate the launch pad. Quicksilver will zip through the flames and knock loose a crate containing the grisly mask; use Ultron (any Ultron will do) to break it open, scoop up the mask and hand it over to The Collector in exchange for the Studs x6 red brick.

Studs x8
Location: Shakespeare in the Park (Part B)

To get the fifth red brick we have to go toe-to-toe with The God of Mischief once more. First things first, we’re going to have to deal with Loki: fend off the first two waves of his goons and wait until he retreats to the top of the stage. Here he will block the way forward by multiplying and forming a line. Ignore the trickster for the time being and select a character with the flight ability. Take to the air, fly over Loki and head left to find The Collector. This time round, he has a hankering for a hot dog which can be found by flying back to the beginning of the stage and heading all the way to your right. In the vicinity will be a hot dog vendour with a question mark floating over his noggin. Use a character with the mind control ability (Scarlet Witch, The Vision) to take control of the hapless hot dog chef and follow the on-screen instructions to rustle up a snack. Take the tasty treat back to The Collector and exchange it for your prize.

Studs x10
Location: Helicarrier Havoc (Part C)

Of all the red bricks we’ve collected so far, this is by far the easiest to get hold of. The Collector will be standing directly in front of you when the level begins, so mosey over and listen to his request. Like Agents of Shield’s Agent Coulson, it turns out The Collector has a thing for Captain America trading cards. To get your hands on one, use Ultron’s cosmic power on the glowing junk directly behind you. Use the resulting debris to construct a robot. Once it's completed, the robot will zoom into the corridor overhead, hoover up the card and drop it at your feet. 

Unlimited Avengers Team-Up Moves
Location: Avengers Assemble (Part B)

Another simple one to find, this brick requires you to snag a wig (yes, a wig) for The Collector. First of all, check in with the man himself who can be found on the walkway above the shops lining the left-hand side of the street. Listen to his request before heading back to ground level and making your way to the bottom right hand corner of the stage where you'll find a wig shop. To get ahold of the syrup, use Vision or Scarlet Witch to shift the debris blocking the entrance. The wig itself, a gnarly green punk hairdo, is located in the last room to the right. Once The Collector has the piece in his possession he will give you red brick 18, which allows you to use powerful team-up moves with impunity.

Fast Fix
Location: Earth’s Mightiest (Part C)

Play through the level up until the moment Hulk beats the living snot out of puny god Loki and throws his scepter onto the roof. After this, the action will switch to another character, immediately switch back to Hulk and take control of a flying minifig so you can reach The Collector who’s hanging out at the left of the screen. After speaking with him, head toward the Shield terminal on the left and use it to gain entry to Tony’s penthouse. Once inside, head to the right of the room where you will find a doorway made of cosmic bricks. Get rid of these using a character with the Power Cosmic (Ultron), grab the J.A.R.V.I.S. program and hand it to The Collector to earn yourself another red brick.

Character Token Detector
Location: Lack of Insight (Part A)

Make your way through the level until you pass the area with the shipping containers and the elevator. The Collector, who wants a pair of Arnim Zola's spectacles for his collection, is waiting at the top of the elevator. To get hold of Arnim's eyewear, simply carry on through the level until you come to the SHIELD terminal at the very top of the ship; use this once to make it into a Hydra terminal, then use it a second time with a Hydra Operative to reveal the location of the glasses.

Gold Brick Detector
Ready A.I.M. Fire (Part C)

At one point during this stage you'll find yourself standing underneath a glitzy golden Roxxon sign. Once you've finished admiring it, head left to find The Collector once more. In order to find the Iron Man armour he's got his eyes on, fly up to the area directly overhead and solve the puzzle there to access a new area. Make your way through this area, solving the puzzles as you go, and you will eventually come across a set of Iron Man armor.

Minikit Detector
Location: Lost in the Aether (Part C)

As soon as the stage loads make your way to the bottom of the screen, here you'll find The Collector standing in front of a huge teapot. Before he can make himself a cuppa, however, he's going to need a teacup, which is where you come in. Directly to the right will be a blue car; use Scarlet Witch to crack open the boot and claim your prize.

Stan Lee in Peril Detector
Location: No Strings On Me (Part B)

There’s a party at The Avengers Tower and everyone’s invited, even The Collector, who can be found to the right of the stage, in the area just above the bar where Bruce Banner and Black Widow are getting all lovey-dovey. The silver haired klepto doesn’t think Tony’s tunes are bangin’ enough and asks you to find him something more suitable. After hearing his request, jump down and head up the stairs just to the left of the bar and keep going until you come to a set of turntables. Destroy them with the Power Cosmic to reveal a record that’s more in keeping with The Collector’s tastes. With that done, head back and trade the tunes for another red brick.

Quest Detector
Location: Anger Management (Part A)

After the cutscene ends, turn around and make your way to the left hand corner of the stage. Speak with The Collector and then head right, carrying on across the catwalk until you come to a silver door. Dispose of this door using a character with access to explosives (Coulson, Hawkeye) to reveal a container of precious Vibranium which The Collector will take off your hands in exchange for a red brick.

Fast Build
Location: Korea Prospects (Part C)

You’re going to need a character with the ability to dig to get this brick. If you haven’t already got one, get yourself over to Barton’s Farm and unlock Moon Boy (easy to spot as he’s hanging out with a colossal red dinosaur) or Squirrel Girl. Once that’s taken care of, load up the level and immediately head left to find The Collector standing behind a car. Hear him out and then head right until you come to a burger stand, use a character with the sense ability (Black Widow, Daredevil) to uncover The Collector’s prize: a smelly ol’ fish. The fish will fall down when you try to grab it, at which point you must use a character with the dig skill to root around in the dirt and get it back. Once it’s back in your possession, head on over to The Collector and claim your reward.

Fast Dig
Location: Rise of Ultron (Part C)

As soon as you start, you’ll see The Collector right in front of you. Listen to his request and then switch to a character with the sense ability (Black Widow, Agent Hill) and use it on the green truck nearby to reveal a set of Hulk handles. Switch to the big guy and use his super strength to take the truck apart and then use the pieces to create a ramp which will allow Quicksilver to knock the flag off its pole. With this Slovakian souvenir as payment, The Collector will part with yet another Red Brick.

Collect Ghost Studs
Location: Ultron Undone (Part C)

After Hawkeye fires Quicksilver over the barrier, head to the top of the screen to find a small, muddy pile. These are dig tunnels, so you’ll need a character like Moon Boy or Squirrel Girl to continue. Dig on down to make your way to a previously inaccessible area containing The Collector and an old tomb. Speak with him before using Cap’s firefighting ability to put out the flames directly to your left. You’ll need Scarlet Witch and her weird powers to make a crowbar which can be used crack open the tomb. Cobble together the skeleton that spills out, knock his block off and then hand it to The Collector for the final red brick.

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