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4 Jan 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan achievement list leaked

Is Platinum's TMNT game going open world?

Like the canister of ooze that gave everyone's favourite amphibian foursome their fearsome powers, the achievement list for forthcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game Mutants in Manhattan has leaked. The full-list of unlockables can be perused over at Xbox Achievements; be warned, however, that some of the descriptions do contain slight spoilers.

Prior to today, little to nothing was known about this release, save for the fact that it was allegedly being developed by Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising dev Platinum Games. Many of us, therefore, were expecting Mutants to be a straight-up action game in the vein of Transformers: Devastation. After a quick scan through this achievement list, however, we think it's safe to assume that the Turtles' latest game is some kind of open world adventure. There are achievements for traversing 32 and 150 miles, as well as detonating drum cans, hoovering up collectibles and destroying cameras, all of which sounds exactly like the kind of time-swallowing chicanery one usually expects from an open world game.

One of the biggest surprises is that the game will also have some kind of online component. It's difficult to say how robust this will be as the only achievements are for setting an emblem and playing online at least once, neither of which gives us much idea of what to expect. Will we be able to take to the streets of Manhattan and blitz through the campaign with a buddy by our side, or go turtle-to-turtle in some kind of PvP mode? We're betting - well, desperately hoping - for the former; a Turtles game that lets players hop around Noo Yawk with three buddies, dismantling Foot Soldiers while screaming 'cowabunga' into the mic, sounds like a dream come true.

A few of the Turtles' most famous foes are also name-checked in the list. We know how sensitive our readers are to spoilers, so we won't mention any of the bosses by name. We will say, however, that Platinum are making great use of the franchise's extensive rogues gallery.

We're still none the wiser as to when Mutants in Manhattan is due for release, but if can't be that far away if there's already a full list of achievements in the wild. Here's hoping we get our sticky, pizza-covered mitts on some footage and details soon.

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