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10 Jun 2015

Rumour: The Last Guardian set to appear at E3

Elusive first-party Sony exclusive The Last Guardian last reared its head in 2009, delighting audiences at that year's E3 with a heart-melting, Ghibli-esque gameplay trailer. It quickly shot to the top of many gamer's most wanted lists, becoming one of Sony's most talked about exclusive titles. Since then information on the game has been harder to come by than hen's teeth, leading many to speculate that the project had been quietly cancelled.

Despite Sony's insistence that The Last Guardian was still very much alive, many fans, myself included, had given up hope of ever playing the game. According to The Guardian, however, the game is very much alive and will put in an appearance at this year's E3.

The title was featured in an article spotlighting this E3's most anticipated games on the Guardian website. According to the article, The Guardian 'have it on very good authority' that the game is still in development and will appear, in some shape of form, during Sony's E3 conference.

That's not the only Last Guardian rumour doing the rounds, either. There are whispers that PS4 architect and game developer, Mark Cerny, is lending his and his team's expertise to Team Ico in order to finally get the game out of the door. This one's a little easier to believe - after all, there are few big, Japanese Sony exclusives Cerny and Japan Studio haven't had a hand in.

Luckily we won't have to wait long to find out if there's any truth to these rumours as E3 is only days away.

Personally, I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I've lost count of the amount of rumours that have surfaced concerning this game over the years and, as The Guardian are the only website claiming the game will show up at E3, this particular rumour doesn't carry a whole lot of weight. Still, I'd love for Sony to prove me wrong.

What say you, humble reader, will The Last Guardian be resurrected at this year's conference, or is this one game we'll never see?

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