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28 Aug 2015

Is Mads Mikkelsen getting ready to take on Doctor Strange?

The doctor is in

Although scheduling conflicts scuppered his chances of appearing in Thor: The Dark World as villainous elf Malekith, Mads Mikkelsen could be getting another crack at the Marvel universe. According, to Variety the former Hannibal Lector is in negotiations to star alongside Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejioforand Tilda Swinton in Doctor Strange.

Speculation has Mads' pegged as the villain of the piece, with many believing he may appear as Mephisto (Marvel's analog for the Devil) or flame-headed Master of the Mindless Ones, Dormammu. Doctor Strange has the Ancient One in his corner, so it'd make sense for Ejiofor's Baron Mordo to have an equally powerful being on his side, a role that either of these characters could potentially fill.

If Mads is cast as a villain, this will be the second time Benedict Cumberbatch has gone up against a member of the Mikkelsen family - fans of Sherlock will remember that the consulting detective did battle with Charles Magnussen, played by Mads' brother Lars, in the hit BBC series. Maybe Mads wants to settle the score?

Before that happens, we'll get to see Mads in action in Star Wars spinoff Rogue One, which is shooting right here in the UK as you read this.

Is Prometheus 2 coming sooner than we thought?

Life beyond mars

The Martian has yet to land, but that hasn't stopped legendary director Ridley Scott from steaming ahead with his latest project, the follow-up to Prometheus. That the film would be Ridley's next directorial gig was no secret, but last we heard work on it wasn't due begin until next year. It would seem, though, that the 77-year-old director isn't a fan of waiting around, in fact, he's already begun scouting locations for the Prometheus 2 shoot.

Scott's formidable work-ethic was brought up during a recent interview between him, Matt Damon and movie mag Empire. During the interview Matt gave readers some insight into Ridley's M.O., claiming work on The Martian was more or less done a mere fortnight after shooting wrapped.

A lot of us thought Damon was just being glib, but Ridley confirmed that this was indeed the case, saying "I was already on to my next movie! I was starting to look for locations for my next movie, which is Prometheus 2." Say what you like about his recent output, you've got to admire the man's commitment.

As previously mentioned, next to nothing is known about Prometheus 2's plot, other than that Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender will return to reprise their roles from the first film. Presumably, the pair will be jetting across the galaxy in search of our not-so-benevolent creators, The Engineers. Will the whole species be bent on our destruction, or were The Engineers in the original members of some religious doomsday cult with a grudge against humankind? The last film was pretty open-ended and I can't wait to see what Scott and his cohorts have come up with.

The good news is, free from the shackles of Alien, Scott and his crew have a whole new mythology and universe to mould and explore. The mystery behind the Engineers, their theology, and ties to our own past, was certainly the most compelling part of the original and I'm hopeful this movie will put some of those lingering questions to rest.

One imagines the Engineers will be the focus this time round, but Ridley confirmed that there will be at least one new surprise for fans of the franchise. Are we going to see some kind of evolved form of the Deacon xenomorph glimpsed in Prometheus' final moments? I can't be the only one who's curious to see what the little guy turns into - after all, the baby alien in Alien goes from about 10-inches to about 7ft, so the Deacon, which was already massive, must turn into something pretty monstrous.

The Avengers pick a side in new Captain America: Civil War concept art

When a good man goes to war...

Jeremy Renner, the man known as Hawkeye, has posted a crop of concept images to his Twitter account. Aside from showing off Hawkeye's new duds, the images give us our first official look at both of Civil War's superhero teams. As always, if you don't want to know who's on Team Iron Man or Team Cap, avert thine eyes and scoot on out of here.

In the comics, the Civil War storyline springs out of a disagreement between Captain America and Iron Man over superhero identities. Iron Man believes these human weapons should be licensed and regulated, whereas good ol' Steve Rogers thinks people, even superpowered ones, should be free to follow their own path.

In Iron Man's corner we have War Machine, Black Widow, The Vision, and Black Panther. Cap's roster consists of Hawkeye, Ant-Man (who can be spotted perched on Hawkeye's shoulder), Sharon Carter, Falcon and Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier. Scarlet Witch and Spider-man are missing in action, but from previous info we know Spider-Man will be slinging webs and one-liners for Team Iron Man, whilst Scarlet Witch will lend her mind-bending talents to Captain America.

The most interesting thing about these pieces of art is Black Panther's spot on Iron Man's team - it was previously thought the king of Wakanda would be a neutral party. In fact, Tony's team is looking pretty stacked - he's got two superpowered cybernetic war machines, the godlike Vision, Shield's finest, Spidey, and Black Panther, who --if he's anything like the character in the comics-- is a tactical genius.

We'll find out if Cap and company can hold their own next summer. In the meantime, let me know who you think'll come out up top in the comments section below.

27 Aug 2015

Sabers out for new Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser

The sleeper awakens

A video posted by Star Wars (@starwars) on

I'm not usually a fan of sub-30-second teasers, but when it comes to The Force Awakens I'll take anything I can get. Courtesy of the Star Wars Instagram account, this snippet gives us a glimpse at The First Order's military forces, as well as main characters Rey and Finn in action. It's short but sweet, and features one or two images that are sure to get the Star Wars faithful's pulses racing.

The trailer opens on a group of characters looking out over the First Order's ranks. Quite who they are is a mystery, but I definitely spotted Phasma's chrome dome on the left there. Could the chap at the edge of the dais be Andy Serkis' Supreme Leader Snoke? It's hard to tell, but the character looks human, which doesn't fit with what we know about Snoke's character - Serkis donned a mocap suit for his part, leading many to believe Snoke wouldn't be your run-of-the-mill homo sapiens. Perhaps he's just a lumpy-faced villain, a la Emperor Palpatine, or even some kind of robot-human hybrid?
The scene that's likely to push hype-o-meters into the red is that of John Boyega's Finn firing up his lightsaber, awash in neon blue light, amidst swirls of falling snow and looking ready to do some serious damage. An earlier scene - one we've seen in a previous trailer - shows bad guy Kylo Ren firing up his own 'saber in the same snowy locale, suggesting that the two cross blades at some point in the film. Oh, the music syncing up with the lightsabers crackling to life is a nice touch.

Rumour has it the full trailer will be with us by the end of this week.

26 Aug 2015

Yakuza 5's Western release to include Japanese DLC for free

The best things in life are free

Proof that good things do indeed come to those who wait, cult crime-em-up Yakuza 5 is finally coming to the West. Originally released in its native Japan in 2012, it's been an agonising three years for fans of the franchise in Europe and the US. To make up for the delay, Sega are sweetening the pot by giving us Westerners every scrap of the game's Japanese DLC for free.

I imagine a lot of this stuff will be cosmetic - costumes, items, mini games - but there's at least one piece of story content, dubbed Another Drama, that gives each of the game's five characters new quest lines to explore.

Keeping with the five theme, this entry in the franchise breaks with series' tradition by giving players five cities to explore, each of which includes unique activities to complete, such as bowling, karaoke, and dance battles. It's basically a virtual holiday to Japan, only with significantly more face-punching and gravelly-voiced hard men in flamboyant suits.

If you're in the US, you can order the game from PSN now and enjoy a 15% discount off the $39.99 launch price. According to the site, the game will unlock on December 31, but that date has the definite whiff of a place-holder; I expect it'll arrive within the next month or two, at the latest.

That gives anyone on the fence more than enough time to track down a copy of Yakuza 4 and acquaint themselves with one of the most criminally underrated RPGs of the PS3-era.

25 Aug 2015

Is there more to The Force Awakens' Kylo Ren than meets the eye?

When is a Sith not a Sith? 

Empire's exclusive photo gives us a good look at Ren's raw, jury-rigged lightsaber 
With his hooded black cloak, brutal broad-saber, and what appears to be a rather ornate paint-ball mask, no one would blame you for thinking Force Awakens baddie Kylo Ren was a Sith. Turns out that's not the case - while he does bat for the dark side of the Force, Ren doesn't belong to the same order that spawned Dooku, Vader, Maul and Sidious. Unlike the Darths of yore, Kylo's villainous services are engaged by the Knights of Ren, a shadowy faction under the supervision of Andy Serkis' Supreme Leader Snoke.

"Kylo Ren is not a Sith," JJ Abrams told Empire magazine. "He works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force.”

We know that Serkis, who has made performance capture his bailiwick, is playing a digital character, but apart from that, little else about Supreme Leader Snoke has been revealed. 

Away from the subject of villains, Abrams talked a little about the state the universe is in when The Force Awakens kicks off, as well as dropping an intriguing hint about the true nature of The First Order, the evil military force that fills the vacuum left behind by the Old Empire. Up until now, it was assumed The Order was a consolidation of the Empire's remaining forces. Abrams comments, however, cast these imperial upstarts in an entirely new light, suggesting that they are a new outfit, one that worships Vader and wants to rekindle the Empire's plans for galactic domination.

A fanatical cult that worships the Dark Side of the Force? Sounds intriguing. I'm sure we'll learn more about this in the coming months, especially as we draw nearer and nearer to The Force Awakens December release. 

24 Aug 2015

From Mad Max to Superman: Is George Miller directing Man of Steel 2?

Shiny and Steel 

As far as rumours go, this one is pretty exciting, especially if it turns out to be true and not just wishful thinking on the part of some over excitable internet rumourmongers . George Miller, the veteran Aussie director behind such hits as Mad Max and Lorenzo's Oil, is being linked to the follow-up to Man of Steel.

George's affinity for the world of Detective Comics and its pantheon of colourful characters is pretty well known, but the affable antipodean has yet to direct a superhero movie of his own. At one point, Miller was working on Justice League: Mortal, so he isn't a total stranger to Supes' world.

The tantalising titbit about Miller's involvement in a possible MoS sequel comes our way courtesy of The Death of Superman Lives director Jon Schnepp. Invited to lend his vocal cords to a DC-centric episode of the Popcorn Talk podcast, he nonchalantly revealed that Miller would be the next director to bring the iconic Kryptonian to the big screen.

"George Miller is doing Man of Steel 2. I don’t feel weird about breaking it. Obviously Zack Snyder is doing Justice League one and two, James Wan is doing Aquaman. … I think George Miller’s a perfect choice to do Man of Steel 2. He’s going to bring so much to it."

So far, no one has stepped up to corroborate Schnepp's account, but no one's stepped up to deny it either. From his work on The Death of Superman Lives it's pretty safe to assume Schnepp is tight with the folks at Warner Bros. and DC, so it's tempting to believe that he knows something we don't.

Plus, Miller had a brush with the all new, all singing DC cinematic universe when he dropped by David Ayer's Suicide Squad set recently. Question is, was he indulging his professional curiosity or getting a closer look at the inner workings of the DCCU? 

I want to believe, but until Miller or Warner Bros. confirm or deny the rumour, I'm going to try to keep my expectations in check. Still, Miller's involvement would certainly be a feather in DC's cap, especially if the director's given carte blanche to pursue his own vision. Stay tuned for updates. 

21 Aug 2015

Daredevil's season 2 costume teased

Suits you, sir!

If there's one complaint I hear about Marvel's Daredevil more than other, it's that the character's costume looked too goofy. To be fair, it was always going to look a little weird given that he runs around in a blindfold and a pair of sweats for about 99% of the series. A more subtle evolution from the gym-rat-ninja look to full-fledged-superhero might have made the transition a little less jarring.  I actually liked the suit, even if the cowl/helmet portion looked a touch skew-whiff.

Well, it looks like the Powers That Be over at Netflix HQ took all that criticism to heart. Yesterday they teased Daredevil's updated suit on their Twitter account; the shot shows the costume in question stuffed into a trunk. Rather more excitingly, a Twitter user then responded with an image of their own that showed the new red 'n' black costume in a much more flattering light.

In this photo, the actual suit portion of the outfit looks the same, but the cowl seems to have undergone a subtle evolution, sporting some extra black and a less busy appearance overall. It seems the designers are tidying up the original costume, smoothing out the kinks, instead of scrapping it entirely. For comparison's sake, here a shot of the original outfit:

Spot the difference

It's interesting to see that they've added some black to the cowl - a request from Marvel to make the costume more in-line with the character's All New, All Different incarnation of Daredevil rolling out this October, perhaps?

19 Aug 2015

Skull Island snags Jurassic World writer

Ape escape

Not content with tackling an island full of rampaging dinos, writer Derek Conolly is leaving Isla Nubar behind and setting sail for Skull Island, home of that most gargantuan of gorillas, the mighty King Kong.

The Jurassic World writer has been brought onboard to hammer the script into shape, offering some last-minute tweaks and rewrites before production on Kong: Skull Island gets under way in October.

The film, greenlit by Legendary Pictures after Godzilla proved audiences will still pay to see a good old fashioned monster flick, will star tsar of Tumblr Tom Hiddleston, as well as Brie Larson and Corey Hawkins. It's a prequel to the original Kong, and follows a crew of hapless explorers who stumble across the great ape's island home.

The picture is being helmed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts and is due to hit our screens in March, 2017.

Alien sequel pushed back to make way for Prometheus 2

Alien vs. Engineers

According to sources close to the movie, Neil Blomkamp's much talked-about Alien sequel is being pushed back to make room for Prometheus 2

Alien 5, as it is tentatively known, aims to get the beleaguered franchise back on track by jettisoning the events of Alien 3 and 4 and picking up where Aliens left off. This means Michael Biehn is back as the grunt-with-a-heart-of-gold, Hicks, and Ripley will be completely Alien-DNA free. 

Ridley Scott, director of the original Alien, is producing the film, but, according to sources at Fox, has insisted on making his own movie, Prometheus 2, first. 

Alien 5 is still very much in the works," a source close to the franchise told Bloody Disgusting, "as Fox remains hot on the idea. Blomkamp continues to work on the script (only an outline existed previously) and refine the tale he is telling. Ridley Scott is still producing, but has insisted on Prometheus 2 being made first.”

Despite completely failing to deliver as a prequel to Alien, I actually have a lot of love for Prometheus. Sure the script was needlessly cryptic and the characters anaemic, but I loved the atmosphere and believe the mysterious Engineers, as well as their ghastly experiments in creation, are ripe for further exploration. I got that Scott and and his team were trying to divorce themselves from the Alien series, using the seeds of that franchise to create something completely different, and I'd love to see them continue in that vein, developing the Prometheus franchise into the full-bore space opera the first film only hints at. 

With Scott shooting Prometheus 2 next year, with a planned release for 2017, Alien 5 won't release until at least 2018. This gives Blomkamp plenty of time to fine-tune his vision for Alien and, hopefully, deliver a film that puts the franchise back on track. 

18 Aug 2015

Victor Frankenstein shows signs of life in new trailer


With the number of Frankenstein movies that have been made over the years, you'd be forgiven for thinking that we'd seen everything fiction's most famous monster has to offer. Proving, however, that you can't keep a good monster down, the new trailer for Victor Frankenstein suggests there might be some life in Mary Shelley's iconic creation yet. 

Unlike most takes on the famous literary tale, this film places the focus squarely on the shoulders of Victor Frankenstein and his assistant Igor. Sort of a 'Frankenstein: The Early Years', the film chronicles the pair's attempts to defeat death and give life back to the dead. 

In the trailer we see them embarking on a series of questionable scientific endeavours, one of which is the reanimation of a rather pissed-off looking chimp. There's even talk of Frankenstein creating a race of reanimated supermen for use as weapons, as well as a fair bit of CGI-heavy action. 

The film aims to tackle the motivations behind Frankenstein's experiments, questioning whether they were for the betterment of mankind or merely a means to satisfy his all-consuming ego. 

Boasting a enviable cast, which includes, James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe, Charles Dance, Andrew Scott, Louise Brealey, Mark Gatiss, Jessica Brown Findlay, Freddie Fox and Daniel Mays, Victor Frankenstein shambles onto our screens this coming December. 

The Odinson suits up for new Ghostbusters photo

Photo: Patriot Pics/FameFlynet Pictures

Looking a little more clean-cut than he does in his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a photo of Chris Hemsworth on the Boston set of the Ghostbusters reboot has found its way onto the web. It shows the plucky secretary behind the handlebars of a bike festooned with all manner of gadgets and gizmos.

Surprisingly, Hemsworth is attired in the team's distinctive new orange and tan uniform, suggesting his secretarial duties might extend beyond typing up memos and answering the phone.

The film, which also stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon, is pencilled in for a July, 2016 release.

17 Aug 2015

Stars Wars spin-off Rogue One cast is out of this world

One to watch

During their big shindig this past weekend, Disney offered a slew of exciting updates for some of its biggest franchises. One of the most buzz-worthy announcements to come out of the event was the updated cast list for Star Wars spin-off Rogue One.

The list, which includes the previously-announced Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed and Forest Whitaker, has been updated to accommodate Mads Mikkelsen, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Alan Tudyk, Ben Mendelsohn.

As far as casts go, this one is pretty stellar, mixing genre heroes with some real big screen heavyweights. Very little is known about the roles each actor is going to fill, or which side of the Imperial/Rebel divide they will fall on, but hopefully we won't have to wait too long for Disney to furnish us with the details.

Tudyk, at least, won't be playing a human, as his part calls upon him to slip into a mocap suit - something the actor will be familiar with from his role in feature-length Converse-ad I, Robot. 

Story-wise, the film follows a crew of Rebel soldiers whose goal is to steal the plans for the Death Star- the very same plans Luke and company use to destroy the planet-sized engine of death in the original Star Wars films. It promises to offer a very different take on the franchise, one that steps away from the simple morality of the series' mainline entries to give fans a glimpse into the murky underbelly of the Star Wars universe.

If I wasn't already excited enough for Rogue One, these new casting announcements have pushed my anticipation for the film into overdrive. Edwards' take on Godzilla may have been divisive, but I think the guy has an over-abundance of talent, and with a cast this strong, not to mention that Disney-sized budget, at his disposal, I'm eager to see what he can do.

I guess we'll find out for sure when the movie blasts into cinemas on December 16, 2016.

Shane Black's Predator film will 'recreate' franchise

Producer offers exciting update on new Predator movie

Back in black

Somehow, I'd completely forgotten that Shane Black was heading up a new Predator film. The writer /director has a long history with the franchise, appearing in the original film as bespectacled grunt Hawkins. He signed on to write and direct a new entry in the long-suffering series last year, alongside writing partner Fred Dekker. The pair promised a film that would take the franchise in an exciting new direction, their focus on "expanding and exploring the existing Predator mythology, rather than hitting the restart button.”

A year later, we still know very little about the film, but its producer, John Davis, recently sat down with Collider and offered a small but significant update on the project. Despite taking time out to put his directorial stamp on The Nice Guys, Davis says Black's Predator script is coming together nicely.

"Shane shot a movie and he’s doing a pilot now, but I’ve read a lot of his script and I think it’s genius. I think it’s genius and I think it’s entertaining, and what it did is recreate a famous franchise in a different, interesting way; looking at it from a different light. He’s just an amazing writer-director. He’s got a way of looking at this that makes you excited again."

We know from previous comments that Black is interested in exploring the franchise's rich mythology, leading many to speculate that the film will focus on Predators, and not humans, for a change. While I'm not completely convinced this will be the case, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in a film that takes a deeper look at the Predator race's history and culture.

Whatever the film does end up being, it will, according to Davis, break new ground for the franchise. 

"Shane’s got a writing partner, Fred Dekker. They’ve been doing it together and Fred’s great. The two of them together, they’ve been in the business for a long time, but the writing is so fresh, the perspective is so fresh. I’m telling you you’re going to get something you don’t expect and you’re going to say, ‘This is the most entertaining way to reinvent a franchise."

I, for one, can't wait to see what the pair come up with. Predators was a pleasant diversion and did a good job of getting the franchise back on track, but the series is in dire need of a film that challenges the status-quo and reinvigorates the formula. Hopefully, whatever Black and Dekker have planned will do exactly that.

14 Aug 2015

Patrick Stewart's role in the next Wolverine film to be more than just a cameo?

During a recent interview with Collider, shiny-headed thesp and all-round legend Patrick Stewart took a break from talking about his upcoming series Blunt Talk, to address the rumour that he would appear in the next Wolverine movie.

Stewart confirmed his involvement, and even suggested that Professor's X's role in the closing chapter of Jackman's Wolverine saga would be more than just a fly-by cameo.

"There is a project in development," confided Stewart. "I understand that Professor Xavier will be making more than an appearance, however. That intrigues me."

Sadly, Stewart was unable to confirm whether, as rumoured, the film would be based on the fan-favourite Old Man Logan storyline. He did, however, seem to relish the idea of seeing co-star Hugh Jackman sporting a few wrinkles. 

"I'm really looking forward to Hugh Jackman getting old," Stewart said. "Damn him! He looks so great. I'm hoping to see him covered in prosthetics. He'll make me look better if that's the case."

New Han Solo film details emerge

'bacca to the future

If you're a Star Wars fan the next few years are going to feel like Christmas - if a whole new trilogy of films wasn't enough, there's also going to be an anthology of movies featuring some of the series' most famous characters. Of these, the most talked about is the young Han Solo film, which turns back the clock to give fans an insight into the rough and tumble renegade's chequered past.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Star Wars producer Kathleen Kennedy took a break from talking up the new trilogy to offer some details on Solo's solo outing, hinting at the direction the new film could take, as well as how it will handle Han's mysterious past.

Anyone hoping for a Han Solo origin story of sorts will be disappointed; though this film will delve into the character's past it won't reveal it completely.

“There’s got to be a reason for the stand-alone film to be," said Kennedy. "And obviously the thing that Star Wars has always done so well is it doesn’t spend a lot of time explaining the stories that have come before. We don’t want to do that either. We don’t want to spend time going back and answering a lot of questions that, quite frankly, I don’t think people want answered. I think the key here is that we are identifying an event or events in Han Solo’s life that gives you some idea of who he is and why he is the character we love.”

She also put to bed the worries that the film would be 'My First Smuggling Run' and feature a Han barely out of diapers: “He’ll definitely be probably in the high teens, low 20s,” Kennedy says. “We’re not introducing you to a 10-year-old Han Solo.”

As for the tone of the film, with Lego Movie/Jump Street duo Christopher Miller and Phil Lord on directing duty, and Lawrence Kasdan and son handling the script, we know the film will probably feature plenty of laughs. This is a Star Wars film, though, so expect plenty of drama and big, galaxy-busting set pieces, too.

While I'm all for a young Solo movie, I do hope Disney carry on making films in the vein of Rogue One - the men on a mission movie from Gareth Edwards that follows the rebel spies who stole the plans for the Death Star - moving away from established characters to to show us previously unexplored corners of the Star Wars universe. As the Knights of the Old Republic videogames have shown, storylines that don't rely on the original trilogy for inspiration can work. 

As for young Han Solo, while the movie is still a ways out, we'll be able to see what the smuggler's been up to since Return of the Jedi this Christmas when JJ Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens blasts into cinemas.

12 Aug 2015

Sequel to Godzilla will be 'bigger and better' vows screenwriter

Hear me roar

Whatever your feelings on the 2014 Godzilla reboot are, there's no denying that the film was a massive success. The King of Monsters' return to the big screen raked in over 500 million dollars for Legendary Pictures, proving that there was life in the old lizard yet.

Many people decry the lack of Godzilla in the film, but as a lifelong fan of the Big G, I thought director Gareth Edwards did a sterling job, hearkening back to the slow build and apocalyptic rhythms of the original fifties movie. Plus, those moments when Godzilla's on screen, especially the climactic three-way battle royale, hit with all the force of a fifty-megaton blast.

With Godzilla's origin out of the way, screenwriter Max Borenstein is promising 'bigger and better' things from the sequel. With the world, not to mention Godzilla's presence in it, well established, there's room for Borenstein to flex his writing skills, throwing more kaiju, as well as spectacle and emotion into the melting pot.

"The response to the first film was really exciting,” he told Collider, "but now that that world is established, we can do bigger and even better things."

The film isn't due until 2018, leaving Borenstein plenty of time to hammer out a great script. By the sounds of it, he's aware of the criticisms levelled at the first movie and the second will be much more in-line with what audiences expect from a big summer monster movie.

Personally, I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing; I loved the restraint shown in the Godzilla 2014, and felt it was a refreshing antidote to the blaring, CGI-fuelled drivel that passes for your average summer blockbuster. On the other hand, the thought of a no-holds-barred monsterpalooza featuring a who's who of classic kaiju does make me feel a little weak at the knees.

CW's Arrow to bring Constantine back from the dead

Green Arrow meets black magic

Constantine, the maverick magician played by Matt Ryan in NBC's short-lived supernatural drama of the same name, is heading to Star City, home of bow-slinging vigilante Oliver Queen. According to CW, the Mancunian magus will pop up alongside Arrow in the show's fourth season.

In the Hellblazer comics, Constantine is known for being something of an anti-hero, willing to go places other heroes can't, or won't. He's a hard drinking, hard smoking bastard with a penchant for theatrics, self-aggrandizement and destruction.

Although the TV version of Constantine felt a little too asinine for my tastes, there's no arguing that Matt Ryan did an excellent job with the material he was given, so it's good to see that he's being given another chance to raise some hell. Just give the chanting a rest, eh?

Freed from the pressures of carrying his own TV show, hopefully the writers on Arrow will take use opportunity to give us a version of the character that's closer to the bilious, sardonic shit comic fans all know and love to hate.

Constantine will make his debut in an episode called "Haunted", helping Arrow fend off a threat of supernatural provenance.

"We are thrilled to have Matt Ryan reprise the role of John Constantine on an upcoming episode of Arrow. Matt is an incredibly talented actor and his portrayal of this beloved character was always something we admired," said Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim in a statement. "The introduction of magic and mysticism on the show this season has provided a truly organic opportunity for us to bring John Constantine to Arrow and the CW’s DC universe. It will be a well-deserved tip of the hat to all the Constantine fans who were so incredibly supportive of that series."

Arrow's fourth season kicks off this October.

11 Aug 2015

Winona Ryder confirms Beetlejuice comeback is real

"Go ahead, make my millennium." 

During an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Winona Ryder confirmed that a sequel to Beetlejuice is in the works.

Ryder has known about the sequel for some time, but kept the details quiet out of respect for the film's director Tim Burton. Now Tim's let the cat out the bag and publicly confirmed the film's existence, Winona was free to talk about her involvement in the long-awaited sequel.

“It was very hush-hush, top-secret, ‘Oh, I don’t know, it may happen,'” she said during her interview with Seth,” “then he was doing some press for ‘Big Eyes,’ and he did an on-camera interview, and he said, ‘Oh, yeah, we’re doing it, and Winona’s going to be in it.’

Quite what form the sequel will take has yet to be confirmed, with Winona admitting that she's as much in the dark as everyone else. From reports last year, we know the film will take a new approach, one that satisfies Burton and Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith. The films original star, Michael Keaton, is also on-board and is reportedly very 'excited' by what Seth and Tim have come up with. 

Work on the film will begin in earnest later this year, presumably once Burton puts the finishing touches on his adaptation of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

10 Aug 2015

Westworld teaser hints at the coming robopocalypse

How the West was won

Aside from a few photos released to coincide with this year's Comic Con, we haven't seen much from HBO's upcoming Westworld series. The wait for footage has been a long one, but this morning we finally got our first glimpse of the hotly-anticipated series, courtesy of a 30-second teaser trailer.

As you'd expect from the channel that gave us a gorgeous recreation of Westeros, Westworld looks suitably epic, with rolling vistas and some lush cinematography.

The teaser's all-too brief but we do get a look at the principal cast members as well as some deranged looking robots. Ed Harris, standing in for Yul Bryner, as the murderous automaton that kickstarts robogeddon, is teased, but the vid stops short of revealing him completely.

The series is based, in part, on the science fiction film of the same name from 1973. Written and directed by Michael Crichton, it imagines what would happen if a holiday resort populated by robot servants, designed to indulge their human guests' every whim, went inexplicably, catastrophically wrong.

Much as I enjoy the original movie, I'm interested to see how the show's creators use all extra running time to flesh out Crichton's original vision. Hopefully, we'll see more of the robots and the struggles that accompany their growing sentience amongst all the man on machine violence.

An exact release date for the series hasn't been confirmed, but the tease promises it'll arrive sometime next year.

The Punisher delivers some rough justice in Daredevil season 2 set photos

Bern Notice

New pictures from the set of Daredevil's second series have leaked online, courtesy of Just Jared. The snaps show John Bernthal's Punisher getting up close and personal with the criminal element. Judging by the shots, Punisher has recently been in the wars, his scowling mug covered in bloody scrapes (picked up from a bout with Daredevil, perhaps?). Something tells me the others guy in these photos is going to look a lot worse once Frank's done with him, however.

Filming on the show is well under way, so expect leaks aplenty in the coming days and weeks. Hopefully we'll get a sneak peek at Daredevil's season 2 costume, as well as more shots of the Punisher cleaning up Hell's Kitchen's mean streets, before long.

The new series will air in 2016, and The Punisher, described by Netflix as "a vigilante who aims to clean up New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen by any means necessary, no matter how lethal the results" is expected to play a major part.

Scalebound: Xbox One's secret weapon?

Does Platinum Games' Xbox exclusive live up to the hype? 

A title that's been shrouded in secrecy, Scalebound has been the source of much speculation since it was first unveiled last year. Developed by Platinum Games, the studio behind Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, a lot of us blithely assumed the game would be heavily combat-focussed, with plenty of flashy set-pieces and stylish combat. If Platinum have shown us anything over the years, though, it's that they're a studio unafraid to try new things; Wii U exclusive Wonderful 101, for example, showed a willingness to subvert the character action formula and experiment with new ideas. After seeing Scalebound in action, it's clear that the mixed critical and commercial reception to W101 hasn't curbed the studio's desire to push itself forward and explore new territory. In fact, Scalebound is shaping up to be one of Platinum's most ambitious and unexpected titles to date.

Although it has roots in the character action games upon which Platinum's legacy is built, Scalebound has more in common with the sprawling, open-world RPGs of Bethesda and CD Projekt Red. This might seem like a major departure for a studio that specialises in balletic button mashers, but Scalebound's director, outspoken videogame veteran Hideki Kamiya, is no stranger to the genre; after all, he did helm Okami, one of the most beloved RPGs of the PS2-era. Despite knowing this, seeing Scalebound in action for the first time still comes as something of a shock. A pleasant shock, but a shock all the same.

The demo footage introduces us to the world of Draconis, a tumble of grassy plains and towering trees stretching off into the distance. Swooping onto the scene is Drew, a dragon-riding dude who, with his artfully tousled hair, Beats-ish headphones and tasteful leather jacket, sticks out like a sore thumb. According to Kamiya, that's kind of the point - Drew, you see, is a traveller from our own world, and has, for reasons unknown, ended up in Draconis bonded to a dragon. Beats the usual nine to five, I suppose.

Upon sighting some armour-clad dudes of dubious allegiance, drew dismounts and starts dishing out some punishment using his sword and shield. Although it lacks the fizz of DMC, even at this early stage combat look chunky and satisfying. There will be different weapons that cater to different play-styles, and it's pretty to safe to assume the combat will grow more technical as the game progresses and Drew gains access to more moves and abilities.

The first thing that struck me about Scalebound was the sumptuousness of its visuals. Platinum's past games are hardly what I'd call ugly, but they are well known for putting function ahead of form, sacrificing extraneous eye-candy to keep frame-rates as high as possible. With Scalebound they seem to be taking the opposite approach, scaling back the frame rate to give visuals a bump. It's a decision that makes a lot of sense - maintaining any where near a constant 60fps in an open-world game, on the Xbox One no less, would be a nightmare - allowing the team to create a large, lively space for players to run around in.

This is good news for the game's visuals, but may concern anyone who is unprepared to take 30fps for an answer when it comes to action games. Luckily, combat, while no doubt important, seems to only be a small part of Scalebound, not the sole focus: this is a fully-fledged roleplaying game, one with all the usual bells and whistles, including loot, stats and skill trees. There is one bell and whistle unique to this particular title, however, and that's Thuban, the lumbering great dragon that fights by your side. For reasons yet to revealed, out hero Drew finds his fate inextricably bound to that of a towering scaly wyvern (hence the title). The two fight as a pair, allowing players to sic the mythical beastie on unsuspecting enemies. During the demo, Kamiya flicked around his cursor, highlighting enemies and objects that your dragon can stomp at the press of a button.

Seeing this winged behemoth tear around the screen like an overexcited puppy, sending bodies flying and toppling buildings, it's hard not to feel a stirring of childish excitement. Having a virtual dragon to call your own is quite a draw, and while it's not like Scalebound is the first game to feature these proud, mythical beasts, it is one of the first to paints them in a more sympathetic light, calling on players to fight alongside them instead of skewering them with a sword. Like the player, Thuban will grow as the game progresses, unlocking new abilities and coop moves. You'll even be able to customise his appearance, tweaking his scaly outerwear and colour scheme to suit your own palate.

During the demo we see the two work together to take down a huge insect-like enemy. This sequence plays out a little like a encounter in Monster Hunter, our human hero whizzing around taking potshots at the giant enemy while his dragon keeps the scuttling horror occupied. Drew can get into the thick of the action by grappling onto the enemy's back and hacking at it with his blade. After a few minutes spent hacking and slashing the enemies crashes to the ground, at which point Thuban unleashes a gout of dragon fire, reducing the fallen foe to a shower of pellucid blue sparks and red gems.

It's an impressive showing, and while it's clear that there's still plenty of work to be done, I came away from my first glimpse of Platinum's latest title feeling pretty excited. Even at this early stage, the title shows plenty of promise and -given Platinum's track-record- I have no doubt the game will be a joy to play. The big question, of course, is how well they will be able to build on that core - do they have what it takes to create a fleshed out open-world, one with enough content and variety to keep players coming back for more?

7 Aug 2015

Fallout 4: No level cap confirmed

A wasteland without borders

Unlike many an RPG, Bethesda has revealed that Fallout 4 won't include a level cap. On top of that, the game allows you to freely wander the wasteland after the final credits roll, allowing players to carry on their adventure almost indefinitely.

The dev took to Twitter to deliver the following message to its followers: "To our fans who've asked: Fallout 4 doesn't end when the main story is over and there is no level cap. You can keep playing and leveling."

This is a welcome change, especially for those of us who remember the release of Fallout 3, which was met with criticism after it was revealed players couldn't continue their game past the ending. This was later rectified with a DLC expansion, but at the time it was major sticking point for a lot of players. 

It's good to see Bethesda have learnt from that lesson and are giving players what they want in Fallout 4 - a developer adding requested features to their games instead of ignoring them completely? Who'd have thunk it?

6 Aug 2015

Is The Walking Dead about to shamble its way onto the Wii U?

Zombi U

Like any good zombie, you can't keep Telltale's The Walking Dead down for long; to date, the game has appeared on almost every platform under the sun, the one exception being Nintendo's Wii U. Well, that's about to change - UK retailer GAME has begun offering a Wii U The Walking Dead Combo Pack on its website. The release bundles together both seasons of the acclaimed adventure game series and is available for £29.99. Kind of steep considering the game's can be had on PC for a fraction of the price.

Still, more games finding their way onto Ninty's beleaguered (but brilliant) platform is only ever a good thing, and this is good news for any Wii U-only gamers yet to experience this post-apocalyptic, point 'n' click sensation.

Although Telltale are keeping the details firmly under wraps, a third series is in the works and expected to arrive sometime next year. Before then, we'll get a three-episode mini-series, which will presumably bridge the gap between seasons 2 and 3.

Will Doctor Strange be Marvel's most visually inventive film to date?

Film's cinematographer calls it "Marvel's Fantasia"

The cinematic adaptation of Doctor Strange won't be released until 2016 but promotion for the movie is already gearing up. Marvel are keeping details on the film, not to mention its titular character, under wraps for now, but that hasn't stopped the movie's cinematographer from weighing in on the movie's visual side.

During a BAFTA Masterclass seminar in London, cinematographer Ben Davis talked a little about the movie's visual make-up, describing it as "not your typical Marvel action movie". According to Davis the film will have a grounding in the psychedelic and will look unlike anything Marvel fans have seen before.

He went on to liken it's impact to that of Fantasia, claiming the movie will be quite a departure for the studio and be unlike anything else Marvel have ever done. During the talk he mentioned vaunted surrealist M.C. Escher and talked a little some of the difficulties involved in shooting such trippy, esoteric imagery. Sounds like we're getting the full Jack Kirby experience.

Although Davis couldn't say much more, he did reveal that Doctor Strange would be a dark movie, one he thinks audiences will find really interesting.

It all sounds good to me - I'm especially glad we seem to be getting a movie that pays homage to the character's rich visual history.  The film, which directed by Scott Derrickson (Insidious) and stars Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) is due to hit our screens next November.

Source: 'Doctor Strange' set for "dark", "psychedelic" look

5 Aug 2015

Deadpool trailer arrives in PG-13 and Hard R varieties

Shadow of the Colossus 

The Merc with a Mouth is probably the most marmite superhero in Marvel's roster: you either love him or hate him. While I'm not exactly Wade Wilson's number one fan, his early years were lot of fun and the latest Marvel run, penned by Gerry Duggan and hard rockin' comedian Brian Posehn, is an easy recommendation for anyone who likes a little pathos with their slapstick gore and violence.

Whatever your opinion of the character, there's no denying Wade's one of the most famous (hideously disfigured) faces in Marvel's current roster, so it's no surprise to see him starring in his own movie. What is surprising is just how good Deadpool's first big screen outing looks, sporting a vibrant, cartoony look and plenty of sword-swingin', hard quippin' action. Admittedly some of the jokes fall flat, but, by and large, this is shaping up to be the film Deadpool fans have been waiting for.

The film is a passion project for director Tim Miller and star Ryan Reynolds, and it shows: this is is easily Fox's most faithful comic book adaptation to date. The trailer arrives comes in two flavours: a PG-13 cut for people who don't like curse words and bodily dismemberment and a Red Band trailer for those that do.

The trailer below is the Red Band version, just in case, y'know, anyone's planning to blast this in the middle of the office. Enjoy.

Mighty No.9 hit with lengthy delay

Between a Rockman and a hard place

Raising in excess of 3 million dollars, Mighty No. 9 was One of Kickstarter's earliest videogame-related success stories. Following development, the game was due to find its way into the hands of backers this September, but due to a litany of game-breaking technical issues it's been pushed back until early 2016. A vague and troubling development for anyone who pledged funds back when the game was first announced.

Word of the delay was posted on the game's official forum - a forum only people who have backed the game can view. This being the internet, the story didn't stay under wraps for long, finding its way onto the web ahead of the official announcement due to drop during this week's Gamescom conference.

"As we have communicated in the updates to our backers, all of the core content for the game is developed and in a complete state," reads the statement.

"However, there are still bugs and issues pertaining to the online features that are included in the game. These bugs and issues have a direct effect on enjoyment of the game, so a decision was made to work these issues out before release.

"Currently, Comcept and their partners are working at full capacity to resolve these issues and fix any remaining bugs."

While it's good the devs are making backers aware of the issue, it's still disheartening to hear about issues this severe so close to game's intended release date. What's more, the timing of the news has lead to speculation in various corners of the internet that Comcept kept the delay under wraps purposefully so it wouldn't damage their Red Ash kickstarter's chance of getting funded. I'm not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories, but I'll admit the timing's certainly a touch suspicious. 

The game's publisher, Deep Silver, has yet to issue a statement. 

4 Aug 2015

Is Spider-Man going to play a major part in Captain America: Civil War?

Rumours claim iconic superhero will have larger role in movie than first thought

Until now, we all assumed Spider-Man's role in Civil War would be nothing more than a tease, a swing-by cameo to get fans chomping at the bit for Marvel and Fox's third bite of the Spider-cherry (ew, that came out sounding a lot weirder than I intended). Well, according to Devin Faraci over at Birth. Movies. Death., that won't be the case. According to his sources the Wall Crawler will play a bigger role in the war between Captain America and Iron than anticipated, appearing in multiple scenes throughout the movie.

Rumour has it, Spider-Man was swinging around the set of Civil War long before Tom Holland was ever considered for the role, with stuntmen donning the iconic costume to film Peter Parker's scenes. This would make sense, after all Holland only needs to be present for scenes in which Petey's face is on screen, and much of Spidey's high-flying acrobatics would have to done by stuntmen or achieved via the magic of CGI, anyway.

Faraci goes on to claim that Spider-Man will have at least one major dust-up during the movie, lending his spider-skills to a fight scene that will be unlike any other big screen superhero battle seen to date. Apparently, it'll be a dorky affair, full of zips, quips and that patented Parker charm. Colour me intrigued.

Although this is just a rumour, I'm tempted to give it the benefit of the doubt. After all, Spider-Man was a major player in the Civil War comics, so one would hope his role in proceedings would amount to more than just a quick cameo. Plus, this is the perfect opportunity for Marvel and Sony to sell audiences on this new version of the character, using the popularity of Cap and The Avengers to entrench him in the MCU and drum up a little hype ahead of his first solo-outing.

We'll find out for sure when the trailers for Civil War start dropping, but for now, this is one rumour I want to believe.

Fantastic Four extended trailer offers sneak peek at Deadpool

Fantastic Four-minute trailer teases Deadpool

A 4-minute extended trailer for Josh Trank and 20th Century Fox's Fantastic Four reboot has surfaced online, arriving mere days before the film is due to hit cinema screens. For those of you who have been living under a big pile of comic back-issues, this version of the Fantastic Four makes some major changes to Marvel's first family, featuring a radically altered origin story, a darker tone and some kind of weird, melty hobo Doctor Doom.

Although the trailers for FF, including this one, have left me unconvinced, I'm still curious about this adaptation, especially because of the talent involved. And while Tony Kebbel's Doom may look unintentionally hilarious, the guy's got an abundance of talent and I look forward to seeing what he brings to the role. If he pulls off a foot dive during the film, even better.

Fox are certainly throwing their marketing muscle behind the movie, even going so far as to employ Deadpool to shill for it. Ryan Reynolds' Merc with a Mouth drops by at the end of the extended spot, entreating movie goers to attend to film so they can lay their eyes on the new trailer for Deadpool.  Savvy marketing tactic or sign of desperation? Only time will tell.

3 Aug 2015

At long last: Final Fantasy XII remake confirmed

Final Fantasy Distant Worlds conductor accidentally spills the beans

Following in the steps of Final Fantasy X, the twelfth instalment in the long-running RPG series is finally getting a hi-def makeover. The news came straight from the mouth of Arnie Roth, conductor at Pittsburgh's Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert, who inadvertently let slip that a remake of FF XII was in the works.

First released on the PS2 back in 2006, Final Fantasy XII attempted to shake up the series' formula, overhauling the combat mechanics and the way players developed their characters. Considered by many fans to be the last truly great FF game, news of this remaster is sure to be greeted with open arms by JRPG enthusiasts up and down the globe. 

I imagine this will be a HD makeover, a la FF X, rather than a full-fledged remake, but it's still great news for anyone who missed this classic adventure the first time round. Besides, despite coming out almost a decade ago, the game's still quite a looker and the bump up to 1080p is sure to give the visuals a new lease of life. 

Gillian Anderson starts campaign for X-Files Lego

Gillian Anderson, it turns out, is a major Lego fan, so much so that she's spearheading a campaign to have X-Files immortalised in Lego form. The sci-fi icon took to Twitter last week to tell her followers that the time is right for an X-Files Lego set. This will come as no surprise to fans of Anderson, who revealed her love for all things Lego during a Reddit AMA in 2014.

As most Lego-heads already know, the toy manufacturer does occasionally produce sets based on fan submissions - so far, we've had play sets based on Back to the Future, Ghostbusters and Minecraft. In fact, Brent Waller, the man who pitched the Ghostbusters build, already tried to make an X-Files set. However, Lego shot down the idea, claiming the show's themes were too mature for it to be considered.

That seems pretty final, but with X-Files due to return to our screens next year and Gillian Anderson's support, who knows, perhaps Lego will rethink their position and give us the tiny plastic Mulder and Scully our hearts desire. I want to believe.

Battling Boy adaptation heading to cinemas

Animator bringing Paul Pope's graphic novel to life

Patrick Osborne, an animator whose credits include Big Hero 6, Wreck-It Ralph and Tangled, is getting a shot at directing. His first gig: an adaptation of cult graphic novel Battling Boy.

Penned by Paul Pope, who most comic fans will know as the writer/artist behind Batman: Year 100, the Battling Boy graphic novel follows the adventures of a young god who must prove his mettle by battling the monstrous denizens of Acropolis. Told that he can't return home until the planet is free of the monsters' taint, our eponymous hero is given a magical credit card, as well as collection of enchanted tees that grant him him superpowers, and left to do battle.

It sounds like the kind of premise that would work wonderfully as an animated feature, and Osborne, who directed the Oscar-winning short Feast, clearly has the experience to make it work. The film's been in development since '08, but hopefully now we have a director at the helm, things will start moving forward in earnest.

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