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14 Aug 2015

New Han Solo film details emerge

'bacca to the future

If you're a Star Wars fan the next few years are going to feel like Christmas - if a whole new trilogy of films wasn't enough, there's also going to be an anthology of movies featuring some of the series' most famous characters. Of these, the most talked about is the young Han Solo film, which turns back the clock to give fans an insight into the rough and tumble renegade's chequered past.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Star Wars producer Kathleen Kennedy took a break from talking up the new trilogy to offer some details on Solo's solo outing, hinting at the direction the new film could take, as well as how it will handle Han's mysterious past.

Anyone hoping for a Han Solo origin story of sorts will be disappointed; though this film will delve into the character's past it won't reveal it completely.

“There’s got to be a reason for the stand-alone film to be," said Kennedy. "And obviously the thing that Star Wars has always done so well is it doesn’t spend a lot of time explaining the stories that have come before. We don’t want to do that either. We don’t want to spend time going back and answering a lot of questions that, quite frankly, I don’t think people want answered. I think the key here is that we are identifying an event or events in Han Solo’s life that gives you some idea of who he is and why he is the character we love.”

She also put to bed the worries that the film would be 'My First Smuggling Run' and feature a Han barely out of diapers: “He’ll definitely be probably in the high teens, low 20s,” Kennedy says. “We’re not introducing you to a 10-year-old Han Solo.”

As for the tone of the film, with Lego Movie/Jump Street duo Christopher Miller and Phil Lord on directing duty, and Lawrence Kasdan and son handling the script, we know the film will probably feature plenty of laughs. This is a Star Wars film, though, so expect plenty of drama and big, galaxy-busting set pieces, too.

While I'm all for a young Solo movie, I do hope Disney carry on making films in the vein of Rogue One - the men on a mission movie from Gareth Edwards that follows the rebel spies who stole the plans for the Death Star - moving away from established characters to to show us previously unexplored corners of the Star Wars universe. As the Knights of the Old Republic videogames have shown, storylines that don't rely on the original trilogy for inspiration can work. 

As for young Han Solo, while the movie is still a ways out, we'll be able to see what the smuggler's been up to since Return of the Jedi this Christmas when JJ Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens blasts into cinemas.

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