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21 Aug 2015

Daredevil's season 2 costume teased

Suits you, sir!

If there's one complaint I hear about Marvel's Daredevil more than other, it's that the character's costume looked too goofy. To be fair, it was always going to look a little weird given that he runs around in a blindfold and a pair of sweats for about 99% of the series. A more subtle evolution from the gym-rat-ninja look to full-fledged-superhero might have made the transition a little less jarring.  I actually liked the suit, even if the cowl/helmet portion looked a touch skew-whiff.

Well, it looks like the Powers That Be over at Netflix HQ took all that criticism to heart. Yesterday they teased Daredevil's updated suit on their Twitter account; the shot shows the costume in question stuffed into a trunk. Rather more excitingly, a Twitter user then responded with an image of their own that showed the new red 'n' black costume in a much more flattering light.

In this photo, the actual suit portion of the outfit looks the same, but the cowl seems to have undergone a subtle evolution, sporting some extra black and a less busy appearance overall. It seems the designers are tidying up the original costume, smoothing out the kinks, instead of scrapping it entirely. For comparison's sake, here a shot of the original outfit:

Spot the difference

It's interesting to see that they've added some black to the cowl - a request from Marvel to make the costume more in-line with the character's All New, All Different incarnation of Daredevil rolling out this October, perhaps?

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