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5 Aug 2015

Mighty No.9 hit with lengthy delay

Between a Rockman and a hard place

Raising in excess of 3 million dollars, Mighty No. 9 was One of Kickstarter's earliest videogame-related success stories. Following development, the game was due to find its way into the hands of backers this September, but due to a litany of game-breaking technical issues it's been pushed back until early 2016. A vague and troubling development for anyone who pledged funds back when the game was first announced.

Word of the delay was posted on the game's official forum - a forum only people who have backed the game can view. This being the internet, the story didn't stay under wraps for long, finding its way onto the web ahead of the official announcement due to drop during this week's Gamescom conference.

"As we have communicated in the updates to our backers, all of the core content for the game is developed and in a complete state," reads the statement.

"However, there are still bugs and issues pertaining to the online features that are included in the game. These bugs and issues have a direct effect on enjoyment of the game, so a decision was made to work these issues out before release.

"Currently, Comcept and their partners are working at full capacity to resolve these issues and fix any remaining bugs."

While it's good the devs are making backers aware of the issue, it's still disheartening to hear about issues this severe so close to game's intended release date. What's more, the timing of the news has lead to speculation in various corners of the internet that Comcept kept the delay under wraps purposefully so it wouldn't damage their Red Ash kickstarter's chance of getting funded. I'm not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories, but I'll admit the timing's certainly a touch suspicious. 

The game's publisher, Deep Silver, has yet to issue a statement. 

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