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24 Aug 2015

From Mad Max to Superman: Is George Miller directing Man of Steel 2?

Shiny and Steel 

As far as rumours go, this one is pretty exciting, especially if it turns out to be true and not just wishful thinking on the part of some over excitable internet rumourmongers . George Miller, the veteran Aussie director behind such hits as Mad Max and Lorenzo's Oil, is being linked to the follow-up to Man of Steel.

George's affinity for the world of Detective Comics and its pantheon of colourful characters is pretty well known, but the affable antipodean has yet to direct a superhero movie of his own. At one point, Miller was working on Justice League: Mortal, so he isn't a total stranger to Supes' world.

The tantalising titbit about Miller's involvement in a possible MoS sequel comes our way courtesy of The Death of Superman Lives director Jon Schnepp. Invited to lend his vocal cords to a DC-centric episode of the Popcorn Talk podcast, he nonchalantly revealed that Miller would be the next director to bring the iconic Kryptonian to the big screen.

"George Miller is doing Man of Steel 2. I don’t feel weird about breaking it. Obviously Zack Snyder is doing Justice League one and two, James Wan is doing Aquaman. … I think George Miller’s a perfect choice to do Man of Steel 2. He’s going to bring so much to it."

So far, no one has stepped up to corroborate Schnepp's account, but no one's stepped up to deny it either. From his work on The Death of Superman Lives it's pretty safe to assume Schnepp is tight with the folks at Warner Bros. and DC, so it's tempting to believe that he knows something we don't.

Plus, Miller had a brush with the all new, all singing DC cinematic universe when he dropped by David Ayer's Suicide Squad set recently. Question is, was he indulging his professional curiosity or getting a closer look at the inner workings of the DCCU? 

I want to believe, but until Miller or Warner Bros. confirm or deny the rumour, I'm going to try to keep my expectations in check. Still, Miller's involvement would certainly be a feather in DC's cap, especially if the director's given carte blanche to pursue his own vision. Stay tuned for updates. 

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