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4 Aug 2015

Is Spider-Man going to play a major part in Captain America: Civil War?

Rumours claim iconic superhero will have larger role in movie than first thought

Until now, we all assumed Spider-Man's role in Civil War would be nothing more than a tease, a swing-by cameo to get fans chomping at the bit for Marvel and Fox's third bite of the Spider-cherry (ew, that came out sounding a lot weirder than I intended). Well, according to Devin Faraci over at Birth. Movies. Death., that won't be the case. According to his sources the Wall Crawler will play a bigger role in the war between Captain America and Iron than anticipated, appearing in multiple scenes throughout the movie.

Rumour has it, Spider-Man was swinging around the set of Civil War long before Tom Holland was ever considered for the role, with stuntmen donning the iconic costume to film Peter Parker's scenes. This would make sense, after all Holland only needs to be present for scenes in which Petey's face is on screen, and much of Spidey's high-flying acrobatics would have to done by stuntmen or achieved via the magic of CGI, anyway.

Faraci goes on to claim that Spider-Man will have at least one major dust-up during the movie, lending his spider-skills to a fight scene that will be unlike any other big screen superhero battle seen to date. Apparently, it'll be a dorky affair, full of zips, quips and that patented Parker charm. Colour me intrigued.

Although this is just a rumour, I'm tempted to give it the benefit of the doubt. After all, Spider-Man was a major player in the Civil War comics, so one would hope his role in proceedings would amount to more than just a quick cameo. Plus, this is the perfect opportunity for Marvel and Sony to sell audiences on this new version of the character, using the popularity of Cap and The Avengers to entrench him in the MCU and drum up a little hype ahead of his first solo-outing.

We'll find out for sure when the trailers for Civil War start dropping, but for now, this is one rumour I want to believe.

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